School Appz is a seamless package of apps for Chairman/ Principal or Administration HeadOffering digital integrated mobile solutions for Teachers (Teacher Touch App) , Parents (Parent Touch App) respectively and School Appz -Visitor.

SCHOOL HUB is a comprehensive online ERP solution for schools to meet the entirerequirements of an educational Institute. It is a comprehensive,integrated School ManagementSoftware(SMS) designed and developed by.Generic software.

Website solutions are our quality dynamic website delivery which matches with the school aptly designed, best presented and optimized for better and top-class visitor experience.School can images and text directly at their own without any technical help.
Integrations Enabled
Latest technological Products
We have the latest technologies software platform that do nat android and ios base mobile apps.
These product being the school and parents on the some page over all development of the student and inclusive over all growth of the children can be plance & achieved by using our product

Cost Effecting & Time Saving Solution
School Hub & SchoolAppz are blended in the best possible manner. These each solutions compliments the other in such as way that it saves time & replicates the work done.
These ready to the platform are user friendly thise makes the communication easy sample cost saving you save your mony by using our solutions
Automated Fee Reminders & Digital Fee Receipts
You can relax by using our product as it makes the fee pending process automated.
Digital fee receipts are generated & sent are parent app touch app & digital it makes the process error fee elimininates the manual inter vecations

Highest Parents Engagement & Better Relations
Students overall development in a collective & coutinues & ongoing process.
The school & parents need to have seemaless & countinues continuous communication flow.to achieve this long goal the parent & school engagement are increased by estabilishing 2 way communication channel by our product solution.
Save Time & Money
Parentapps can help save schools thousands of pounds a year by replacing expensive text messaging services and reducing printing costs by enabling schools and nurseries to communicate with parents directly through our bespoke apps and websites.
Not only do our communication apps save schools and nurseries money but they also can save you time by bringing all of your communication methods into one easy to use platform. We pride ourselves on making it easy to communicate with parents through our custom apps and websites which have been designed with usability in mind. Schools and nurseries can spend dozens of hours every week communicating with parents and updating their websites, but with our easy to use websites and apps you can save time and focus on what really matters.
Improve Parental Engagement
As education professionals, you know the critical role parental engagement plays in improving outcomes for children, but undoubtedly also know the challenges faced when trying to effectively engage with parents today. A successful parental communication method needs to be easy for parents and schools to use and engaging enough for parents to continue to use it.
Parentapps has helped hundreds of schools across the UK and abroad improve their parental engagement through our easy to use bespoke apps. And, through our mobile communication platform, Parentapps Connect, we can ensure that you are able to communicate with 100% of parents, 100% of the time with engaging and useful content such as individually targeted messages, consent forms, and term dates!
Improve Safeguarding
Our secure parental communication app, Parentapps Connect, can help put in place additional safeguarding measures at schools and nurseries. By utilising Parentapps Connect to communicate with parents you have the ability to limit the access of important information to only those people who have been invited by the school or nursery. This could be anything from a consent form that shares details about the timing and location of a class trip or a letter containing the child’s address at the top.
Additionally, by moving away from paper and sending these documents through the app, you can ensure that only the intended recipient is viewing this sensitive information. Also, if you become aware of a safeguarding issue you have the ability to temporarily deactivate or remove a user.
Go Paperless
Parentapps Connect allows you to send all your newsletters and forms electronically through the app, enabling schools and nurseries to make their communication methods more sustainable by reducing the amount of paper being sent out. Going paperless not only sets a great example for your students and community, but also saves schools money previously spent on printing costs. Additionally, sending communications electronically can be better from a data protection standpoint as it allows you to track who has seen the information you are sending and is more secure than a stack of papers, that could be seen by anyone.
Accessibility Devices & Same Time Information System

Happy Customers

New Oxford Public
"We are incredibly happy to select our school management software for the first time with Fedena and their support from the very first day till now is awesome. It is rare to find such

Yuvashakti Public
"We are incredibly happy to select our school management software for the first time with Fedena and their support from the very first day till now is awesome."

Tulips International
"We are incredibly happy to select our school management software for the first time with Fedena and their support from the very first day till now is awesome."